• Dňa 31. 01. 2025
  • FLE 0.102077 0.00%
  • REF 0.039103 0.04%
  • ABF 0.124181 0.19%
  • KOP 0.039894 0.20%
  • FLK 0.102299 0.14%
  • M15 0.103395 0.04%
  • M30 0.102819 0.10%
  • AMG 0.043655 0.01%
  • SEP 0.03482 -0.22%
  • DOP 0.0548 0.46%
  • VRF 0.048008 0.13%
  • APO 0.198153 1.12%
  • STO 0.131807 0.64%

There is also a risk associated with investing in mutual funds. The value of the investment may increase, stagnate or even decrease and the return on the amount originally invested is not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Future performance is subject to taxation, which depends on the individual circumstances of each unit-holder and which may change in the future. This website may involve a material, which constitutes an advertising document and marketing communication using data sources from the relevant fund manager or its parent company, and such a material is used exclusively for advertising and marketing purposes and does not constitute a contractually binding document or information document required by law. The statutes, sales prospectuses, and key information documents (KID) of the funds, with a breakdown of fees and costs, as well as a risk profile or risk descriptions, are available in Slovak upon request at the headquarters of VÚB, a.s. and Eurizon Asset Management Slovakia, správ. spol., a.s. and at all VÚB, a.s. points of sale and are freely available at www.vub.sk and/or www.eurizoncapital.com/sk and/or www.eurizoncapital.lu. The investor can familiarise himself or herself with all the documents referred to in this paragraph and should take into account all the characteristics and objectives of the fund described therein before making his or her final investment decision. More information on sustainability aspects can be found in the document tilted Responsible Investing, which is available at www.vub.sk in the section tilted Mission & Values, Investor Protection. In accordance with the statutes or prospectuses, the proportion of transferable securities or money market instruments issued or guaranteed by the countries referred to in these documents may exceed 35% of the value of the assets in the fund and may even reach 100% of that value; the investment policy of the relevant funds may be, in accordance with these documents, investing predominantly in assets other than transferable securities and money market instruments. As for Eurizon Capital S.A. in particular, their statutes (management regulations) are published in English on www.eurizoncapital.lu, they can invest in a way which replicates financial indices (benchmarks) and the unit-holder shall monitor and ensure his or her income taxation. Information on investment services, including warnings in connection with the risks associated with investments in financial instruments, which also include unit certificates of mutual fund, can be obtained at all VÚB, a.s. points of sale and at www.vub.sk in the section tilted Mission & Values, Investor Protection.